Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One more day

One More Day

Now how does that title have to do with todays blog?

Not at all.

It just was what my fingers typed.

This is a short version of my blog.

Whew! you say???

Well Harrumph!!

Yes I know it is good that it is a short version.

I have only one  photo to add today.

I was just goofing off with the camera and took this.


Do not forget NBW is coming up soon!

National Bubble Week March 11-17, 2012

Of course my first and most important and happiest obligation that week is our Circuit Assembly. Yipee!

I love the assemblies, they are my favorite times of the year!

The week that follows will be filled with blowing bubbles with my loved ones.

National Bubble Week is just a fun old fashioned thing to do week.

There will be more on that later.

I will be posting a lot about National Bubble Week. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mail Art

Mail Art

Mail art is so much a part of the person who is sending it.

I love drawing the flowers the most.

I have found that I really like to draw.

While I can draw some things fairly well, perhaps even accomplished.

Others are not so good, in fact they are pretty poor looking.

None the less, I enjoy it, and I figure. like crocheting, the more I draw, the better I will become.

I do very little journaling, so the drawing I like to do is usually on an envelop.
I get my ideas from many different pages. This is from the pages of a craft magazine.

The back of the envelop has pictures from another craft envelop.

I cannot name one person that has ever told me, they would rather get a plain white envelope, over a envelop that has some color to it.

Even those that work opening envelops would rather have a little bit added to the envelop, to break up the tediousness of the day.

Mail art is easy. If you just have a pen and an idea, go for it. I was in a hurry today getting the bills ready to mail and just basically doodled some art work

Mail art can be drawn or the envelop can be made of something different. I have used magazine pages, I plan on using a child's book, that is not in real good condition. I have sent and received ribbons on the outside of the envelop. I do not have any photos handy of the magazine pages I have sent.

However I love the part I can do myself, the art work. The drawing.

When I cannot sleep is usually when I do the most drawing and crocheting. So I get a lot done at night. Because I usually do not sleep well much nights.

I have tried to take photos of all the work I have sent out the door, but I get busy and want to focus on the tasks at hand and just end up sending the art work on.

Here is some someone sent to me. I think it is so beautiful.

This is the back side:

We do, at times, swap certain types or colors of mail art.
I have some spring art ready to be sent.
Here is another possibility for the spring swap:

I also have some red ready to be sent. I have finished two envelops for this swap, even though one is needed. I will probably send this one for the swap and the other envelop for something else. Front:

Here is number two of the red ones:

Some I have sent this week.

Sometimes I like to use only markers.

Other times I like to color only with the pencils.

But most of the time I like to use both and even crayons.

I also will do zentangle or plain old doodling.

I had been mulling over this idea for a long , long time. I finally got the courage to try it, and it took a few attempts to learn how to do it the correct way. That is pencil shaving art. This is my first try, that I have kept, the other one I did, I just had to toss in the waste bin. If you want to see some awesome art, look up pencil shaving art.

Others I have not sent and do not know when or who will get it.
Others I have done.

I hope I have inspired you to share in the fun and the thrill of mail art. If for no other reason, that someone must send better drawings that I do.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Trying to do this better

Bookmark on the page.

As you read this, you can see, that there are days my head is spinning and I get mixed up easily.

Well, life is so quickly passing.

I wanted to post some photos of some bookmarks I have made.

I have some photos from my old computer, but cannot find those.

So the ones I do have I can post.
I think bookmarks are nice things to make. They can be made quickly and personally. I have made them with beads and string , I have crocheted them, also crocheted when beads , I have used paper and cardboard , I have re-purposed junk mail making bookmarks .

The photos I have today are of crocheted bookmarks and re-purposed junk mail.

Another craft then I have been doing is re-purposing junk mail, I'm making them into notebooks.
I used other things besides junk mail to do this , used gift bags, magazines and books, buttons. and other things.
The photos for that are not ready and will take me a while like everything else I do.

Some of the yellow bookmarks I have crocheted are here.

Some of the greens are these:

This is the mix, so pink will be the next ones.

Here are some of the purples. I have more on the table waiting for the camera. They will have to wait a bit longer though.

Oh man the light makes the cloth look dingy.

One of the orange ones. Hubby, sweetie pie lost the one I made him, that matched the book we are studying for the Congregation Bible Study. Mine is with my book, so the photo of that is going to be later.

I free hand drew the ice wagon and did not know what to do with it. Since it was on a folded sheet of paper. (scrap, it was practice) I decided to add the crocheted cord and make a bookmark out of that.

These were made from recycled mail, mostly junk ,mail.

I honestly do not know which back goes to what bookmark and I lost two of the above bookmarks, so for now I will not know.